Terms of Service

Dear User, welcome to our Website https://www.survo.ai/ (hereinafter referred to as the Website”) and thanks for navigating to get familiarised with our Terms of Services. 

The use of this Website and services on this Website provided by Survo AI Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “Humalect” “Owner”, “Company”) are subject to the following Terms and Conditions (hereinafter interchangeably referred to as the “Terms of Service” or “TOS”, unless specified), all parts and sub-parts of which are expressly incorporated by reference here.  

By accessing either directly or through a hyperlink, the Website https://www.survo.ai/ and/or purchasing something from us, you engage in our “Service” on our “Platform” and agree to be bound by the Terms of Service, including those additional terms and conditions and policies referenced herein and/or otherwise available on this Website. Any person having legal status who engages in our service will be termed a “User”.

Please read these conditions carefully before using the Website. By accessing the Website provided by Survo AI Private Limited, you signify your agreement to be bound by our Terms of Service.

  1. Assent & Acceptance

By using https://www.survo.ai/, you warrant that you have read and reviewed the Terms of Service, including those additional terms and conditions applicable to specific services and policies referenced herein and/or otherwise available on this Website and that you agree to be bound by it. Additional terms and conditions in respect of the specific services may apply based on the services obtained by the User, which shall also be deemed an agreement between the Users and the Owner. 

Further, you here agree to be bound by our Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, Grievance Mechanisms, Safety Tips, and Community Guidelines, each of which is incorporated by reference into this agreement. If you do not accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms of this agreement, please do not use the service. 

  1. Modifications to the Terms & Services 

We, Survo AI Private Limited, reserve the right to make changes to these Terms of Service from time to time. We may do this for various reasons, including to reflect changes in or requirements of the law, new features, or changes in business practices. The most recent version of this agreement will be posted on https://www.survo.ai/terms , and you should regularly check for the most recent version. The most recent version is the version that applies. Survo AI Private Limited reserves the right to modify, enhance or add new features to its products and services from time to time and remove existing features. 

  1. Age Restriction 

Any person legally competent to be bound by these Terms of Service as per the Indian Contract Act, 1872 (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”), may access this Website. In all such cases falling outside the legal competency specified by the Act, the Website and its services shall be accessed with the agreement of their legal representatives). The Owner assumes no responsibility or liability for any misrepresentation of legal competency of the individual or representative accessing the Website for any purpose.

  1. Privacy 

Please review our Privacy Policy, which governs your visit to https://www.survo.ai/, to understand our practices. The personal information/data provided to us by you during the course of usage of the Website will be treated as strictly confidential and in accordance with the Privacy Policy and applicable laws and regulations prevailing in India. If you object to transferring or using your information, please do not use the Website. 

  1. Guidelines & Rules 

By using the Services, you agree that you will not:

  • use the platform and its services or products for any purpose that is illegal, harmful, or prohibited by this agreement.
  • engage in any activity that causes disrupts our resources, including networks and servers associated with our platform. 
  • spam, harm, exploit or defraud any members/users of the Website.
  • impersonate any person or entity or post any images or information of another legal entity without permission.
  • use the Website in any manner that violates or infringes any statutory rights of any legal entity.
  • attempt contrary to the intellectual property rights of the resources of our company.
  • use the Website in any manner that restricts or takes away the access and service of any user determined by us.
  • Harm, monitor or offend the Company or Users or the Website or expose them to liability, either directly or indirectly.
  • solicit passwords for any purpose or personal identifying information for commercial or unlawful purposes from other members or disseminate another person’s personal information without his or her permission. 
  • provide wrong information whenever asked to provide certain information (Full Name, Email, Organisation Name, Number of Employees in Organization) while accessing the platform
  • do anything contrary to the confidentiality of the login information associated with your account and you will be responsible for the confidentiality of your account and every activity accomplished through your user account. You are bound to report to the company immediately any breach of security or unauthorized use of your account.
  • do anything that may damage or falsify the company rating.
  • use this platform contrary to the national and international laws governing the platform in any manner and shall not use the platform in any manner contrary to interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the State, friendly relations with foreign States, public order or decency or in relation to contempt of court, defamation or incitement to an offense.
  • Otherwise, interfere with any activity, affecting the Website’s proper functioning.
  1. Intellectual Property 

All content on the Website, including text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads, data compilations, software, and all other original content, are the property of Survo AI Private Limited and its licensors as per the terms and is protected by India and international copyright, trademark authors’ rights and database right laws of India and other foreign countries as well as international laws. The compilation of all content on the Website is the exclusive property of Survo AI Private Limited and is protected by laws of India and international copyright and database rights laws. All software used on the Website is the property of Survo AI Private Limited and is protected by Indian and international copyright and related laws. Any use, contrary to the specific authorization provided by laws in India governing the same and limited by our Terms of Service, shall strictly stand prohibited. 

You may not systematically extract/ or re-utilize parts of the contents of the Website without the express consent of Survo AI Private Limited. In particular, you may not utilize any data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools to extract (whether once or many times) for re-utilization of any substantial parts of the Website without the express written consent of Humalect Technologies Private Limited

The Website allows users to submit, post, display, provide, or make available materials provided by the User, however, only in accordance with laws in India governing the same and limited by our Terms of Service, shall strictly stand prohibited. The user content and the information provided shall be truthful and accurate. The company may exercise the rights to your User Content granted under this Agreement without liability for payment of any guild fees, residuals, payments, fees, or royalties payable under any collective bargaining agreement or otherwise.

We do not claim ownership rights for user content created by you, and it remains the User’s intellectual property. However, by agreeing to provide or share User Content, you agree to the other party to view, edit, share and/or deal with the user content in accordance with the agreement and settings provided by you, and Survo AI Private Limited shall not be responsible in any form for the damages, losses or consequences arising therein. Survo AI Private Limited reserves the right to remove any user content shared through our service. 

Survo AI Private Limited allows the User to grant us the rights and license concerning the user content. In doing so, the User gives us the right to modify, share, publicly display, reproduce, distribute and make such content available to other customers. 

  1. Third-Party Services 

The platform may contain third-party advertisements, promotions, and links to other websites or resources, with Survo AI Private Limited having no direct control. The Website is not responsible for the availability (or lack of availability) of such external websites or resources. If you choose to interact with the third parties made available through our platform, such party’s terms will govern their relationship with you. Survo AI Private Limited is not responsible or liable for such third parties’ terms or actions. 

  1. Purchases

To make any service or product available through the Website, you may be asked to furnish relevant information relating to credit card/debit card/net banking/UPI and shipping. 

In purchasing any service or product through the Website, you have the right to use any credit card or credit card/debit card/net banking/UPI payment methods, provided you supply true, accurate, and complete information.

Third-party service may be deployed to facilitate the payment, and in agreeing to purchase any product or service through the Website, you grant us the right to provide relevant information to the third parties so deployed.

Regarding services involving billing on a subscription basis, you can either opt for billing cycles set on a monthly or annual basis, depending upon the plan available for the service. By opting for the subscription, you authorize the company to charge a one-time set-up fee, subscription fees, and transaction charges, and the subscription is automatically renewed on the same terms and conditions at the end of each billing cycle unless it is canceled at your instance. We reserve our right to modify the subscription fee at any time, which shall come into effect at the end of the billing cycle. However, we would provide you with a reasonable prior notice with an option to terminate your subscription within a reasonable time. Any continued use of the service after the period would signify your acceptance of the modified subscription fees and Terms of Service. 

Eligible refunds will be initiated within thirty days of the claim date.

We reserve the right to cancel your order:

  • In case of fraudulent/unauthorized/illegal transaction
  • Subject to the availability of product or service
  • Error in description or price
  • Error in the payment details provided to the company. 
  • Change in price of the product or service
  • Services billing on a subscription basis, on account of failure to renew subscription owing to the error in the payment details provided
  • Error in your orders and other reasons

Free Trial: It shall remain the sole discretion of the company to offer and fix criteria for the subscription with a free trial or free access, as the case may be. To avail of the same, you will have to enter billing information that would facilitate auto-renewal at the end of the free trial/access period. However, you will not be charged any subscription fees during the free trial/access period. You are free to cancel the subscription at any during the free trial/access period. We reserve our right to modify the Terms of Service on the same and to withdraw the offer.

Taxes: You shall be responsible for payment of all fees/costs/charges associated with the purchase of products from us and you agree to bear any and all applicable taxes, including but not limited to VAT/CST, service tax, GST, duties, and cesses, etc.

  1. Liability 

Survo AI Private Limited, its affiliates, employees, licensors, or service providers, in no event, shall be liable for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special, punitive, or enhanced damages, including, without limitation, loss of profits, whether incurred directly or indirectly or loss of data, use, goodwill or Intellectual Property, resulting from your access to our platform. 

In no event shall Survo AI Private Limited aggregate liability for your claims relating to the services/products provided by Survo AI Private Limited exceed the amount paid by you for such service/products or Rs. 5000, whichever is greater. 

Humalect Technologies Private Limited shall not be responsible for any damage, loss, or injury arising from hacking, tampering, or unauthorized access of your account and/or information provided therein or any unauthorized use by the third party, directly or indirectly, or by any of our customers. 

Survo AI Private Limited shall not be responsible for any bugs, viruses, or so on that may be transmitted to or through our service. 

Survo AI Private Limited shall not be responsible for any interruptions, errors, mistakes, and inaccuracies of content or service provided through the Website.

Survo AI Private Limited absolutely denounces its responsibility for any of the user content posted by the User or the third party by availing our service, and it shall remain the sole responsibility of the User or the third party making it available through any means.

You shall solely be responsible for indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special, punitive, or enhanced damages, losses, and consequences, whether incurred directly or indirectly, arising from your conduct, whether of civil or criminal nature.

  1. Rights Granted 
  1. The Website grants you a nonexclusive, non-assignable, revocable and non - sublicensable license to access the platform and use the Services provided by us, subject to revocation in the event of any of the following conduct by you:
  • use the service or any content contained in the service for any commercial purposes without our written consent.
  • copy, modify, transmit, create any derivative works from, make use of, or reproduce in any way any copyrighted material, images, trademarks, trade names, service marks, or other intellectual property, content, or proprietary information accessible through the Service without the prior written consent Humalect Technologies Private Limited.
  • use the service in any way that could interfere with, disrupt or negatively affect the service or the servers or networks connected to the service.
  • upload viruses or other malicious code or otherwise compromise the security of the service.
  • use meta tags or code or other devices containing any reference to the Website or the Service (or any trademark, trade name, service mark, logo, or slogan of the Website) to direct any person to any other website for any purpose.
  • modify, adapt, sublicense, translate, sell, reverse engineer, decipher, decompile or otherwise disassemble any portion of the service, or cause others to do so.
  • use or develop any third-party applications that interact with the Service or other members’ Content or information without our written consent.
  • use, access, or publish the application programming interface without our written consent.
  • probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of our service or any system or network.
  • encourage or promote any activity that violates this agreement.
  1. Entire Agreement 

This agreement, which includes the Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, Community Guidelines, and the Governing Law, and any terms disclosed and agreed to by you if you purchase additional features, products or services we offer on the platform, contains the entire agreement between you and the Website regarding the use of the platform. If any provision of this agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this agreement shall continue in full force and effect. The failure of the company to exercise or enforce any right or provision of this agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. You agree that your Survo AI Private Limited account is non-transferable and all of your rights to your account and its content terminate upon your death. No agency, partnership, joint venture, fiduciary, or other special relationship or employment is created as a result of this agreement and you may not make any representations on behalf of or bind the Website in any manner.

  1.  Unforeseen Events 

Survo AI Private Limited will not be held responsible for any delay or failure to comply with its obligations under these terms and conditions if the delay or failure arises from any cause which is beyond its reasonable control. This condition does not affect your statutory rights.

  1.  Waiver

The failure of the Website to exercise any rights or remedies provided for herein shall not be considered a waiver of such provision, right, or remedy, in the event of a breach of terms and conditions by you. The Website will still be entitled to use its rights and remedies in any other situation where you breach these terms and conditions.

  1.  Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the prevailing laws of India. You agree, as we do, to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Bangalore.

  1. Disclaimers 

Survo AI Private Limited provides the services and its products on an “as is” and “as available” basis and to the extent permitted by the applicable laws. The Website grants warranties of any kind, whether express, implied, statutory, or otherwise, with respect to the services (including all content contained therein), and including, without any implied warranties of satisfactory quality, security, reliability, accuracy, availability of service or merchantability, for a particular purpose of non - infringement.

Survo AI Private Limited does not represent or warrant the following:

  1. The platform will be uninterrupted, secure or error-free
  2. Any defects or errors in the platform will be corrected
  3. Information obtained from or through the Website or the platform will always be accurate.

Survo AI Private Limited disclaims that any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the Website, or its platform is accessed entirely at your discretion and risk. 

  1. Termination

We may terminate or suspend your account and bar access to service immediately, without prior notice or liability, under our sole discretion, for any reason whatsoever and without limitation, including but not limited to a breach of Terms.

You may discontinue using the service if you wish to terminate your account.

All provisions of Terms which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, and limitations of liability.